Web forms are key conversion points on pages and blogs.
Have you ever wondered why people fill out web forms when there is phone number readily available?
To understand this process it is important look at the factors that control the end user’s conversion path. Here are a few factors that can control the method of conversion your end user will choose:
- Time Of Day
- Location
- Day Of Week
- Telephone Restrictions
- Schedule Limitations
Many of these factors have most likely played a part in how you have converted on some web property in the past. Here is a good example of why web forms are key to increased conversions.
It is 3AM and this potential customer is surfing the Internet looking for a home builder to build his new vacation home in the moutains. He finds your site and is impressed with your portfolio of projects. He visits your contact us page and their is a phone number and an email address. It is too late to call and his email client kicks out because he doesn’t have a mail software associated with his profile so it causes frustrating error. He bounces from your website with intentions of calling your office in the morning. He never does.
An effective conversion web form would have most likely captured this vistors / potential customer information and you might be typing a proposal now instead of reading this blog post.

So in closing make sure you have a conversion point that allows a customer to communicate with you without the need for email that won’t be controlled by their location, time, restrictions or other factors.