Sometimes it is hard to calculate ROI on short term campaigns because the buying cycle may be longer than the campaign.
It is important to continue to measure campaign results even after the campaign has finished.
Keep the monitoring of the campaign going for the length of the average buying cycle. This way if a lead was not converted during the short term, you will still be able to determine the ROI for the campaign.
A few tips for determining the ROI on short term campaigns:
- Determine Campaign Length
- Determine Spend of Campaign
- Determine Cost of Creating, Tracking and Supporting Campaign
- Determine the Length of Buying Cycle
- Determine Tracking Time Frame
- Create Reports To Show Status Of The Campaign Through Completion
All in all it is possible to track short term campaigns that have long term results. It is just necessary to plan a window of reporting and data collection.
This would be useful on campaigns that have small budgets that will not be run again unless there is a significant ROI.