As you read this article know that it was completed using the process that I am going to discuss.
I’m actually collaborating with myself in the document.
To create this document I am using my Google Apps for business platform.
I created a new article on my Google Nexus 7 Tablet. As soon as this is saved, my desktop shows the article ready for editing. I open it and press the microphone button on my Nexus 7.
I’m actually speaking the document text into my tablet while editing spelling and other issues on my desktop. I find this technique allows me to fix the voice recognition errors and also provide proper spacing and heading tags as needed to write a document.
If you have never used a Google Apps document to collaborate, I would suggest you use the power Google Apps to create a document with yourself or others. It can be an eye opening experience.
Just a trick I use in my Day. Hope someone else finds this useful.